Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 1 completed!

Every year the first day of "alldays" always unfolds some new surprises and/or events and this one was no different. First off a member went off and got lost (Special thanks to a very fast responding Police, EMS, City Officials and School Administration for a great job of helping to locate him). We have made sure to once again remind members not to go exploring, stay on school grounds and always travel in pairs. We also have had a good break in the food department. Due to a special arrangement, the Natalia ISD school system will be providing hot breakfast and lunches for our members during the week while we are there! This save us lots of manpower and the members get some really great meals! Due to the storms last night we did not get to ensemble block but expect to make more headway tonight!

Breakfast = Cinnamon Toast, Cereal
Lunch = Grande Burrito, Spanish Rice, Pinto Beans
Dinner = Shepards Pie, and Fruit Cocktail