Friday, July 30, 2010

Concert in the Park

The corps enjoyed performing a concert last night in IL and were also were able to listen to the Navy Jazz Band. They are working hard in rehearsals as they prepare for their big competition on Saturday night.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!

The corps is in great sprits, and more importantly everyone is in good health. There has been a lot of great clean up work done and a bit of show tweaking during the past couple of days. The corps is now headed to IL for a three day stay. Day 1 will feature the corps in a concert, and a parade is scheduled for day 2. The first major open class competition will be on day 3 featuring eleven open class corps. The corps is more than ready!

Attached is a picture of the "Harry Potter" school in Kansas.

Kansas Bound!

After a day of rehearsal, the corps left Texas last night. Thanks to a thunderstorm that rolled in, they had quite a light show as a send off! This morning they are at Wyandotte High School (The "Harry Potter School") in Kansas City. They will be working to perfect the show even further before their next competition on Saturday in Dekalb.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Delightful in Denton!

The corps performed well last night at the Red River Thunder and once again have increased their overall score. They will remain in Denton today to rehearse, then travel tonight to Kansas and make a stop at a school the corps lovingly refers to as the Harry Potter School. Then it's on to Dekalb, IL.

Don't forget to check the mail drop information on the right. As we head into these last two weeks and prepare for finals, a word of encouragement from home is so appreciated! This has been an awesome summer and it's hard to believe we are in the final stretch!

Monday, July 26, 2010

San Antonio Rundown

After a great performance in front of a hometown crowd at Judson, the corps spent a little time with family before heading out on the road. There was a stop in Austin for a bus change and much needed Wal-mart run. Hopefully we wont' have any more bus issues for the remainder of the tour. The bus company has been great in getting the bus problems resolved as quickly as possible while we've been on the road. After the Wal-mart stop, it was on to Denton for tonight's performance at the Red River Thunder.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kerrville, TX! {Family Day Info}

We are back at Kerrville and will be there until we head out for the San Antonio show on Sunday. Tomorrow is a unplanned family day and community performance.we will give the members time with family starting at 3 pm at the stadium on the main drag (across from Taco Casa and Big Lots) and do a Family Meal @ 5! We then will have the corps dress and do a full show run at 7:30 and then let the corps hang out with family and friends. We really have not structured this on purpose so it will feel more organic and natural. If you can make it come on out and join! Roughly 3 weeks left and the 2010 will be coming to a close! If you have any balances get those into Mike Q. ASAP!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Final Clinic!

The corps finished out the stay in Big Spring with it's final Clinic of the 2010 season! The staff at Big Spring have been really great and while the water has caused some problems, we managed to make it through unharmed! We now get ready to head to Kerrville for our last local stay before we head up to the Midwest for the final leg of tour. The time has flown by and the corps is ready to put a strong close to one of this best and most challenging season. Reminder - Kerrville Family day is Saturday!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Spring/ Odessa

The corps arrived in Big Spring after having trouble in the short 2 hour drive with one of the coaches. The Bus Company is working hard to correct the problem and assures us we will have better equipment when we depart for the Midwest. The corps showing in Odessa today was strong despite the short practice and shuttle jumps from the housing site. When you are on tour for as long as we are, you just learn to roll with the punches. We are having to adjust to the heavy tap water, so if you are in the area and can afford to buy some bottled water it will be welcomed!

**Special Note: We have added a family day event for this Saturday at Kerrville, Originally we spend this time in San Antonio during the SW Championships but with the change and by special request we are moving forward with this day in Kerrville!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Clinic and Exhibition

Today was our final day in Lubbock and we could not have had a better stay. We cannot thank the efforts of Mr and Mrs Fleming enough for coordinating the stay and for the support of the LHS Band Boosters and Directors for helping the corps out in so many ways! We look forword to a return next season! Now off to Big Spring, TX!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Laundry, Props, and Uniforms

Can we fit any more things to work on for a Sunday? The time has come once again for the corps to clean up and head to the local laundromat. This time we are doing it in shifts over the course of two days. We also worked on our props and started putting some final touches on the corps uniforms to make sure we are set for the final 4 weeks of tour. There are now more days behind us than there are in front of us and we know soon the 2010 season will come to a close........sad, but true.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Steady improvements

Day 2 of our stay in Lubbock has come and gone and the corps is in great shape to continue it's progress on all levels. The Band boosters from Lubbock High have been fantastic with their support of baked goods and fruit and the site is truly box 5 accommodations. Everyone's effort on the field is inspiring and i only hope the work they are doing now transfers to the performance field!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lubbock Day One!

Welcome back to TX! The accommodations here at Lubbock High are great and these next 4 days we can do some more tweaking of the production. We will stay here until Monday, and Sunday will be another much needed Laundry day, so we will clean the beats and clean the sheets! Also, the Woodrow House Inn is absolutely breathtaking! If you are ever in Lubbock this is the place to stay!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ardmore - Take 2

The corps rounded out it's two day stay at the Red River Clinic and made the most of the hot weather. The corps will now head tonight back to Texas for a 4 day stay at Lubbock High School which will end in an exhibition and clinic for the host school and city guests. Special thanks to Mrs Fleming for doing an outstanding job at making all the arrangements!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Clinic Time! OK Style!

The corps arrived in Armore, OK and put on their clinic attire and gave the Red River Drum and Auxiliary Camp a day to remember. The staff worked their magic and gave out some great vibes to the members and the corps showcased true style in both the hands on clinic and in the evening dress exhibition. We will remain in Ardmore one more day before heading in Lubbock for a 4 day stay culminating in a full dress exhibition!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hutchison Heat wave

It was hot, there were a lot of mosquitoes, and the show went on. While it was not the best conditions and the corps was a bit ragged with the drive (lost in the fog), the heat, and the bites, it was still a good showing. The corps now heads to Ardmore , OK for a two day clinic and maybe even some time at the lake.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Arlington Home Visit

The corps stopped off at Lamar High School in Arlington to rest the drivers and get some more work done on the tour! Stuarts wife, Julia took the time to get our last few members fitted for a uniform so we all should be ready for the DCI show in Hutchinson. It is great to be back into our truck and by Ardmore we will be back into the buses from 1st tour.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


The corps wrapped up its stay at Kerrville for it's annual 2nd "all-days" and made some great progress both on the field and off. The corps still has much to add to the production but what is on the field has progressed by leaps and bounds. We are currently in route to Lamar High School in Arlington for a rehearsal day before heading into Kansas for the show!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kerrville Rain Storms

The corps has arrived in Kerrville and after transferring our equipment from the temporary Cali trucks into our regular trailers the corps has spent the day trying to get work done between rainstorms. While we do appreciate the cooler climate and the welcome rain, we want the sun to shine so we can continue to make progress on the 2010 production. Special thanks go out to the Fitzgerald's for bring some food items (desserts) to help supplement the menu!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Texas Return!

The corps is back in Texas and in route to their housing site in Kerrvile, TX at the 1st Baptist Church. This will mark the first time we are not at the Cavary Temple but schedule conflicts and proximity to the stadium made this a great choice. Special thanks to Connie Gaddy for helping us secure the facility. We will continue to work on the program and need help on some construction projects (Props, Cart, and new uni add-ons) before we leave on Sunday, so if you have the time please come by and help us out!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Final California Run

The corps finish off it's California tour with a very solid performance. The same panel of judges over the last three contest have steadily seen growth and compensated the score. It will be very nice to get back home for a few days and get some things worked on but we will miss this great California weather. The corps will travel tonight and head to Tempe, AZ to rehearse and then Pass through El Paso before making our way to our annual stop in Kerrville, TX!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rehearsal, Laundry and Fireworks!

Every 14 days the corps enjoys a shortened day to take the stink out of their travel bags and head to the Laundry Mat. While not the best July 4th activity, it was much appreciated by everyone (Drivers Included). Due to the nature of the holiday, Stuart found a spot for the corps to go and enjoy a fireworks show, so all and all a good day!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Parade and Show

The corps traveled to the Los Angeles area and are staying at California High School (Some students believe it to be the site for Grease, NOT!) This was a very busy day as we had a July 4th parade (on the 3rd) in Lake Forest CA and then participated in the Walnut California show at Mt San Antonio College. They performed a strong show and finally got thier underarmor to wear under thier uniform.

Friday, July 2, 2010

VIsta, CA

The show tonight in Vista was another solid performance and gave us the oppourtunity to integrate the new members into most of the show. The judges are wanting to see more of a complete product but we realize this is a marathon and not a sprint. While the Cali Corps end thier season in a few weeks, we still have over a month before our final show in Indianapolis so we need to pace the program to insure it stays fresh and does not peak too soon.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Special day!

Well, the corps put on the special show to a very special audience and had the chance to integrate the new members before the contest tomorrow. We also fixed some uniforms and picked up the Evil Character costume to help drive the story on the field. Special thanks to the El Camino High School Band Boosters for providing the dinner meal and for donations of Baked goods for the corps.