Tuesday, June 29, 2010

El Camino High School

The corps is all set up in Oceanside, CA at El Camino High School and the weather is absolutely great! It actually may be a bit too chilly as members are looking for sweatshirts and way to stay warm on the field. The Host school has offered to do a joint meal with their Band camp on Thursday and we will put on a dress run for their summer school special education classes. Overall the corps is doing very well and it will be hard leaving this weather in a week.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fun in the Sun? at the Beach!

The corps enjoyed thier first free day of the season at the Santa Monica Pier. We had the whole day to enjoy the area and many members have never seen the Pacific Ocean before. While the day was mostly overcast, the members still braved the cool waters and had a great time. We will have 3.5 days of rehearsal to continue to clean the program and start adding in new members and body for the final 3 Cali shows this weekend.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Atascadero, CA

The corps had thier final Northern California show today and while the show site posed some problems, it was the field grass that really caused the most fraustration. The show was a bit off due to high grass field conditions but the corps still powered through and held thier own. We will shower and sleep here at the show site before making the trek down to Southern Califonia.

Mail drop info!

Due to the inconsistencies in the California tour with housing changes I have yet to post mail drops. I will probably make the next drop at our stay in Kerrville after we return. We have had a couple of packages lost due to the last minutes relocation's the sponsors or throwing at us. Your patience is appreciated.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stanford beauty!

The corps short stay in Stanford was gorgeous and equated to a much better show than the night before. While we were all a little awestruck with the site, it was clear we had a job to do. We will continue to clean and add in our new members and late arrivals but judges comments say we are on right track.

Friday, June 25, 2010

California touring......

While another DCI housing site was changed last minute, it did allow us the time to stay at the show site and get some much needed extra sleep. The day ran smoothly and the show had lots of energy. We picked up our last Bari in LAX and will pick up our final two Tubas by Monday to complete the line.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

California craziness!

We were informed departing Mesa, AZ, that our housing site was a bust, but with lots of positive attitudes and a great staff on both sides, we made the day work and was one of the best on tour. The final run in Noble Creek was very energetic and Freebird rocked!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

AZ Melting Pot

The corps arrived early morning in Mesa, AZ and went straight into block due to a very short contest day. Finally through the altitude drawbacks, all we have left to power through is the dry heat. We will continue to work on 5th movement to strength and clean, while the guard adds more work. The site host were very helpful! Special thanks to Tim's parents for helping with dinner.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Contest 2010!

The corps performed in their first DCI sanctioned contest after wrapping up a great rehearsal at the site. WE picked up a new guard member and brass alternate/Conductor to help finish out our membership goals. The show was very good but we all know we have a long way to go to improve and perfect this production. Score will be posted on side blog and updates to the maildrop are coming!

Monday, June 21, 2010

What a view!

The corps could not have asked for a more picture perfect backdrop for our first rehearsal day of the west coast tour! We had a great stadium and the Los Lunas High School faculty has been exceptional. The kids are adjusting slowly to the higher altitude but should be set for the show tomorrow.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

El Paso - truly just passing!

Today, our first official day on the road for 2010, was a complete success. The corps got to our destination site, picked up another brass player, got laundry done, Walmart stocked, and even got in some visual time at Bel Air Stadium. The corps is currently on the field reviewing drill while the driver's finish off their sleep cycle before we hit the road to Los Lunas, NM!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

On the Road Again!

The corps had a tough day but powered through all obstacles and put forth a great performance at the TXDCP in Austin today! We now hit the road to get to our first stop in El Paso before rolling out of Texas and debut the full show in competition in Rio Rancho, NM. More updates and pictures coming soon!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dress Run Recap

The corps put on the uniform and delighted friends and family today as we debut the full field show in record time! While we have had little time to clean, the corps powered through the charts and have much room for growth. Special thanks to Mrs Fleming and her mother for helping to put the final pieces of the uniform puzzle together. The corps looked sharp and the guard uniforms and flags really help add to the concept.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

50 Days to clean.

The show is done! While it may not be pretty or perfect just yet, we have a whole season to re-write, clean, and perfect this incredible production. The corps has done some incredible things in the past 11 days and if we continue to push and raise our expectations, this show will make us all proud in the end. As we tell the kids daily, it is not a sprint but a marathon and it really has only begun! Tomorrow we get all dressed up and show off what we have done for the community/family, and then pack up, clean and hit the road!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

End in Sight!

Today the corps worked on the first half of the closer and will finish out the show Thursday. Not only is this the fastest we have learned the production, it is also one of the most integrated drills this corps has ever attempted. Every staff member has commented on the level in which these members are attempting, and come August this will be a show to remember! Friday is the preview at Natalia and it starts at 7:30pm, We will be asking for a $5 donation at the gate!

Breakfast- Breakfast Variety
Lunch - Corn Dogs, Veggie Dippers, Butterscotch Pudding
Dinner - Beef Stroganoff, Green Beans

Monday, June 14, 2010

Drill, Drill, Drill!

We are aggressively getting through this show at an incredible rate. As we get deeper into learning the production it is becoming very evident that this is a very different program for us. The staff has done a great job in really making all the elements work together to sell this theme. Everyone is starting to get ansi as tour draws ever closer! CHANGE! We will be staying at Natalia on Friday and will host our preview show for the great supporters we have in Natalia and our family. Show will start around 7:30pm.

Breakfast - Breakfast Burrito
Lunch - Hotdogs, Veggie DIppers
Dinner - Beef Pasta with Seasoned Corn

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 7, slice of Heaven

The corps continues to keep plowing away at huge sections of drill and they all enjoy the faster pace of this years program and appreciate the increase in the demand. We do have a few members struggling with knee/ankle problems but overall the corps is in great condition and are enjoying one of the best "all-days" in recent years. Special thanks to the Gaddy's, Dann's, Estradas, and Parkers for spending time with us cooking meals and bringing dessert!

Breakfast - Cold Cereal and Oranges
Lunch - Beef Stew, Mashed Potatoes, and Ice Cream
Dinner - Baked Potatoe Casserole, Green Beans and Cookies

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a weekend!

Events in Austin, more new drill and more new members! What great strides the corps continues to make as we get deeper into the progress of the show. We have had some great weather and continue to enjoy our great facilities here in Natalia, TX! Stay posted as we announce an exciting change to the start of tour!

Breakfast- Cold cereal fresh fruit
Lunch- Cold Cut Sandwiches, Chips and Fruit Salad
Dinner- Asian Chicken with White Rice and Vegetable Mix

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Progress - Day 3

It seems that the corps is starting to get it's tour legs and things are starting to really click. The opener is sounding really good for this early of a season and the hornline is growing by leaps and bounds. The guard and drumline are really keeping pace and we should end up together towards the end of the season. We are working really hard to add pictures to the blogger so stay posted!

Breakfast - French Toast, Fresh fruit
Lunch - Cheese Burger/Chicken Burger, Veggie Dippers
Dinner - Chili Mac and Seasoned Green Beans

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cool Down!

Well the storms have brought much cooler weather to us in Natalia but also has made it a bit more humid. All in all the days have been nice and we are finding ways to still get things done. First Ensemble rehearsal of the summer went very well and seemed to lift everyone's spirits.

Breakfast- Pigs in Blanket
Lunch- Turkey Tetrazzini
Dinner- Taco Salad, Ranch Style Beans

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 1 completed!

Every year the first day of "alldays" always unfolds some new surprises and/or events and this one was no different. First off a member went off and got lost (Special thanks to a very fast responding Police, EMS, City Officials and School Administration for a great job of helping to locate him). We have made sure to once again remind members not to go exploring, stay on school grounds and always travel in pairs. We also have had a good break in the food department. Due to a special arrangement, the Natalia ISD school system will be providing hot breakfast and lunches for our members during the week while we are there! This save us lots of manpower and the members get some really great meals! Due to the storms last night we did not get to ensemble block but expect to make more headway tonight!

Breakfast = Cinnamon Toast, Cereal
Lunch = Grande Burrito, Spanish Rice, Pinto Beans
Dinner = Shepards Pie, and Fruit Cocktail

Monday, June 7, 2010

It has begun!

Yesterday about 85% of the corps moved into our "All Days" site and prepped for the first full day of rehearsal. From food shopping to truck unloading, and even some head shaving it was a very eventful day capping a very eventful weekend! Several members moved in as early as Thursday to work baseball and graduation events in Austin. Overall feel is one of excitement and eagerness to get cracking on piecing the "Fade to Black" production together!

Breakfast = Cold Cereal, Bananas
Lunch = Pasta Salad, Pita Chips
Dinner = Spaghetti, Green Beans